Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Happy Birthday Patrick!

Yesterday was Patrick's 3rd birthday!! I can't believe that he is 3 years old. It seems like it was only months ago that he was a baby that I could cuddle easily in my arms.

And, now Patrick is so big. He is talking so much more!! I know I have expressed my concerns over his speech in the past, and I'm finally beginning to relax because he is jabbering so much. The last week has been so fun because Patrick is talking and talking and talking. Some of my favorite lines are:
  • I play with Ian. 
  • I pee bubbles. 
  • I pooped my pants by the farmhouse (its a toy farmhouse and yes we are working on potty training right now.).
  • Dad is home, Dad's home.
  • Lets catch the bus
There are so many other things that he says. Anyways, we celebrated the bulk of his birthday on Sunday (a day earlier) because I wanted Broden to take part of the festivities. Broden works crazy hours, and I wanted him to be around for his son's birthday. Patrick had his aunts, uncles, and cousins come over to have cake and ice cream and to open presents.

Patrick is obsessed with trains so I made him a train. I made sure to put lots of blue on it since blue is his favorite color. I also made green cupcakes because his birthday is on St. Patrick's Day!

Patrick had lots of fun opening up his presents. Because his older cousin no longer plays with the firetruck pictured below, my sister-in-law brought it over for Patrick. Let's just say that he was more than thrilled.

And, Patrick got a train set!! We got the table, train tracks, and buildings from a family in our ward. They were going to DI it, and they gave it to us for free. Thank you so much for making Patrick's birthday so special. We just had to buy some trains.

Patrick sure loves his cake!

This is my cute family! We all made sure to wear green!

On Patrick's official birthday, he couldn't stop playing with his train set. He talked about it all day long and didn't want to part from it for one second. Even Ian likes the trains.

And, here are some cute pictures of my boys. Patrick doesn't like getting his picture taken now so I get pictures with funny expressions. Silly boy! I am just glad that Patrick loves Ian and Ian loves Patrick. These boys are such blessings in my life, and I'm working really hard on focusing on the positive! They are making me be a better person!

Happy Birthday Patrick! You are such a dear sweet boy.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Beautiful Sunshine

The weather has finally warmed up, and I couldn't resist taking the kiddos out on a walk. We have been cooped up in the house for a while because of illnesses and bad weather.

But, this last Saturday the weather was beautiful. Broden wasn't able to join us when we went to the park because he was working mandatory overtime. Broden works so hard to take care of our family. I'm so grateful for him.

Patrick had a blast at the park. He has been asking to go to the park for months now. He just loves this red fire truck. I normally sit there with him because he wants me too. I'm glad that he wants me to play with him.

Then, there is the big slide that he can't stop going down. He will say, "Again. Go down slide again!". You can sure see the joy in his face.

And, of course, Patrick had to swing! Who can say no to swinging??

Ian slept the entire time at the park. The only time he napped today. Ian has been a little stinker lately and refuses to sleep for me. I don't get much sleep because of him. But, I sure love him. He did have a big smile on his face at home!

I sure love my boys! I hope that Broden will be able to join in on our adventures too. Patrick sure misses Dad a lot. Anytime he hears the back door open or close, he comes running through the house yelling, "Dads home. Dads home." The door he hears is me going into the laundry room. I just love seeing and hearing how much Patrick loves Broden. Just goes to show how Broden is a wonderful Dad!