Wednesday, May 14, 2014

May Flowers - The Power of Fasting

Because Ian has recently been diagnosed with a rare disease, I have worried a lot about my little boy. He is so precious to me, and I want him to have the best life he can. He has Mastocytosis and we are waiting to meet with a Immunology Specialist in order to verify what type it is (click here for a post about Ian's condition).

Ian can get extremely fussy, and he doesn't sleep well. His disease can cause many types of symptoms so we figure this is why he just doesn't feel well and wants to be held constantly. I sure love to cuddle with Ian, but it prevents me from doing practically everything.

On May 4th, Broden and I decided to do a family fast. We contacted our family members and had them spread the word about the fast. We wanted to pray for Ian's health, his condition to improve, and that we can gave guidance on how to take care of our precious little boy.

This picture just makes me smile :)
And, our prayers were answered! Ian now only gets up 2-3 times a night instead of 6-8. There have even been a few nights where I only got up with him once!!! I know that the fasting and prayers helped Ian because it was May 4th when Ian started to sleep better. We also talked with Ian's doctor about giving him probiotics and the doctor said that it would be a great idea. So we have been giving him probiotics which have helped regulate his digestive system. Ian seems happier. He still has his problems and other symptoms, but I'm so grateful that he now sleeps better.

Plus, we were able to get an appointment into Primary Children's Hospital at end of this month!! This is another huge blessing since we were told it would be most likely between July and September. I'm so grateful for all the family members and friends who have prayed and fasted for Ian. I know that fasting helped my little boy.

And, here is a picture of Patrick playing in his cardboard house I made for him. He sure is getting bigger every day. Patrick loves books so you can usually catch him "reading" when he is playing by himself.

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