Saturday, February 21, 2015

Our Pet Chickens

My family got chickens back in March of last year. I have wanted chickens for a long time because I love fresh eggs and being self sufficient. We got 8 Rhode Island hens. Sadly, we lost one to a raccoon back in October. Thankfully, we still have 7! Oh, and I am getting 5 chicks in a few weeks. I will post pictures once I get them because I am so excited to have a small chicken farm.

This winter has been really mild. So the kiddos and I have been able to play outside a lot. The chickens have enjoyed being able to eat greens throughout the winter too.

The boys love playing with the chickens. They love feeding them "snacks", collecting eggs, and petting them.

And, of course, after they play with the chickens, they have to play around in the yard. These boys sure are cute.

Thursday, January 22, 2015


Ian is my little comedian. He is such a blessing because he reminds me not to take everything so seriously. Ian discovered the joys of yogurt months ago, and I just had to share some cute pictures of him and his yogurt.

He insists on feeding himself and will screech (a very high pitch screech) if you try to help. He gets messy, but how can you get upset with this cute face.

I sure love this little boy!